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Grasshopper2ɑ now ships as a pre-alpha package that can be installed in Rhino 8 using the package manager. While it’s way too early to expect any kind of SDK, documentation or development support from McNeel for GH2, it’s still exciting to see the differences behind the curtains. If you’re inclined to do so, it’s also possible to develop plugins for it already. While the APIs will likely change very frequently with every release, it might be useful to some developers who might be considering porting their Grasshopper 1 plugins to GH2.

This guide will walk you through setting up a C# project in Visual Studio to get started with plugin development for GH2. Since there are no templates, tutorials or official documentation, some manual setup and fiddling is required. The goal is to simply get you started - any advanced development is beyond the scope for this guide.

Moving forward, this guide will presume that you have sufficient knowledge of C#, Visual Studio, GH & GH2 and have some experience with developing GH plugins.

It's not recommended to rely on early versions of any software for production or business purposes. Developing a GH2 plugin at this stage is a cool experiment or a way to prepare your original Grasshopper plugins for the day GH2 gets a full release.

Prerequisites should be pretty obvious if you know what you’re doing; Rhino 8 with GH2 installed and Visual Studio.

Project Setup

To begin, create a new empty C# project in Visual Studio, and modify the .csproj to make it match the code shown below:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



    <Reference Include="Grasshopper2">  <HintPath>$(AppData)\McNeel\Rhinoceros\packages\8.0\Grasshopper2\$(GH2Version)\Grasshopper2.dll</HintPath>
    <Reference Include="GrasshopperIO">      <HintPath>$(AppData)\McNeel\Rhinoceros\packages\8.0\Grasshopper2\$(GH2Version)\GrasshopperIO.dll</HintPath>
    <Reference Include="Rhino.UI">
      <HintPath>C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\System\Rhino.UI.dll</HintPath>

  <PropertyGroup>    <PluginsDir>$(AppData)\McNeel\Rhinoceros\packages\8.0\Grasshopper2\$(GH2Version)\Components\TestGH2Plugin\</PluginsDir>
  <Target Name="InstallPlugin" AfterTargets="PostBuildEvent" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' ">
    <Copy SourceFiles="$(OutputPath)TestGH2Plugin.rhp" DestinationFiles="$(PluginsDir)TestGH2Plugin.rhp" SkipUnchangedFiles="true" />

  <PropertyGroup Condition="$(Configuration) == 'Debug' AND $([MSBuild]::IsOSPlatform(Windows))">
    <StartProgram>C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\System\Rhino.exe</StartProgram>


Your .csproj may look different, but all the crucial components must be present from this snippet - especially the references. Note that unlike old Grasshopper plugins, GH2 plugins are no longer .gha files but instead load as .rhp files. The directory for installing plugins is also different, but this is likely to change once GH2 gets a full release.

The GH2Version variable (highlighted in orange) is a useful utility to keep up with the latest update of GH2. It's still in active development, so updates and changes are to be expected with reasonable frequency. Sometimes, this may mean breaking changes for your plugin as well; Beware. Be sure to update this version number every time GH2 is updated on your machine. To get the currently installed version number, navigate to the "%APPDATA%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\packages\8.0\Grasshopper2\" directory and check the "manifest.txt" file.

Once the .csproj file is set up, add a new .cs class file called TestGH2PluginInfo.cs. Similar to GH1, this Info class will contain all the basic info about the plugin, such as the name, author, contact, icon, etc. There are many differences from the old API to take care of here. Also, the Icon system in GH2 has been revamped with a vector-based system. If you are inclined to do so, you can set vector icons for your plugin and components.

using Grasshopper.Framework;

namespace TestGH2Plugin
    public class TestGH2PluginInfo : Plugin
        public TestGH2PluginInfo()
            : base(
                new Guid("da3daa94-946a-49c2-bb6d-468d0ded7669"),
                new Grasshopper.UI.Nomen(
                    "GH2Test", "GH2Test", "GH2Test", "GH2Test", 0,
                new Version(""))
        public override string Author => "Praneet Mathur";

        public override string Contact => "";

        public override string Copyright => $"Copyright © 
		{DateTime.UtcNow.Year} Praneet Mathur";

First Component

With the Info class set up, we can move on to creating our first component.

There are many differences between the API for components in GH1 and GH2. Highlighting each difference is beyond the scope of this guide. Below is a boilerplate snippet for an empty component.

using Grasshopper.Components;
using GrasshopperIO;

namespace TestGH2Plugin
    public class GH2Component : Component
        /// <summary>
        /// Each implementation of Component must provide a public 
        /// constructor without any arguments.
        /// The Nomen object contains component information to be displayed.
        /// </summary>
        public GH2Component()
            : base(new Grasshopper.UI.Nomen(

        /// <summary>
        /// Registers all the input parameters for this component.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void AddInputs(InputAdder inputs)


        /// <summary>
        /// Registers all the output parameters for this component.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void AddOutputs(OutputAdder outputs)


        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="access">The access object can be used to retrieve data from 
		input parameters and 
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void Process(IDataAccess access)


Ensure that the class is given an 'IoId' attribute (enclosed in square brackets above the class) to determine the component's unique Guid - you can use a Guid generator to get one. Components without this attribute will not be loaded in GH2. The three methods are structured very similar to the three implemented in GH1 components.

The first AddInputs method is where the input parameters are initialized. The second AddOutputs method is where the output parameters are initialized and the third Process method is the computation logic of the component.

Finishing up

You can continue adding all the components needed for your plugin.

Building the project will automatically copy the built .rhp file to the GH2 Components folder and debugging the plugin should automatically open GH2 with the plugin loaded.

Building custom parameters, modifying the UI elements of components and more advanced development is beyond the scope of this guide, but if that's something you're interested in doing - use the button at the bottom to reach out!

If this guide helped you build something cool, share it with your colleagues and network!

If you're a computational designer using Grasshopper,

Share your opinion about GH2

  • Haven't tried it, not enough interest yet

  • Tried it, not very impressed

  • It has a long way to go still

  • Love it, very excited

If you'd like to know more about GH2 and how you can develop advanced computational design tools for your business, reach out using the button below:

Grasshopper 2α has been available for Rhino 8 (WIP) since April '22. I've been working closely with it since April '23, developing advanced plugins and UI extensions ♾️

While there are obvious similarities between the two software packages, there are many key differences that set GH2 apart.

ℹ️Here are some of my findings and insights about GH2 native plugin development with C#:

1. ⬇️Installation: GH2 is still in Alpha, so it isn't shipped even with the latest WIP version on Rhino. Instead, it needs to be installed via the Package Manager as a Pre-release plugin. You can find the instructions to do so here: . Naturally, a valid Rhino license is required.

2. ✨Fresh Start: GH2 is not an update for GH, nor does it have anything common in its codebase. It is written entirely from the ground up - from the computation kernel to vanilla plugins. This also means that GH plugins do not work directly with GH2, yet. There are some clues for future backwards compatibility support, but I wouldn't hold my breath. While simple plugins might still be easy to port, more complex ones will require significant redevelopment.

3. 🧑🏽‍💻Plugin API Differences: While the overall structure of the components is very similar, there are some major API differences to pay attention to when porting GH plugins to GH2. Similar differences can be found in other abstract classes as well, which means that some development effort is required to upgrade even the simplest plugins.

4. 🎨Canvas Rendering: The rendering style of GH2 has received the biggest overhaul. The most exciting part - Icons are no longer just 24x24px images! You can now hardcode vector icons that can even react and respond to component states or change based on the theme. Oh, and there's also a native dark mode! In my opinion GH2 looks incredibly clean and refined. Its UI is a breath of fresh air, with elegant details and crisp animations.

5. ➕Plugin Installation: Since GH2 is still under development, plugin installation hasn't been exposed to end users in the same way its done in GH. This will likely change or improve over time. But at the time of writing this post, plugins (now .rhp files, not .gha) must be placed in the Components folder inside the package folder for the currently active GH2 installation (AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\packages\8.0\Grasshopper2\2.0.xxxx-wip.xxxxx\Components), along with the rest of the vanilla plugins. Unfortunately this also means that every time an update is pushed to GH2, you need to reinstall/copy your plugins to the new Components folder.

I hope these provide some technical insights about the changes GH2 will bring. If you're interested in knowing more about advanced GH2 plugin development or want to jump start the process to port your plugins, feel free to contact me!

🚫BIM is just a tool for better documentation and collaboration. 𝗜𝘁'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗹!

It can help you make better design decisions, sure. But when was the last time you used Revit for conceptual design of a project?

It enables smoother coordination amongst all project stakeholders, but it provides very little creative agency. Instead, it might even present new challenges when trying to model complex geometry at early stages!

ℹ️ The BIM standards have a very clear agenda - Building Information Modelling; Documenting the building systems, in preparation for the implementation of a project. Nothing close to architectural design, creative agency or complex forms.

🧑🏽‍🎓If you're an Architect who wants to upskill, I will never recommend investing time in learning BIM more than what's necessary. Unless you have a keen interest in it, of course.

➕Instead spend time learning about computational design strategies and techniques. That's what will really supercharge your design skills and increase your value as a creative professional.

🔍If you're hiring Architects, know the difference between candidates that specialize in BIM and CD. While a BIM specialist will streamline the back-and-forth involved in the later stages of a project, a CD specialist will add value to the entire design process.

💪🏽And trust me, someone with hands-on CD knowledge will easily be able to navigate the depths of BIM. CD inculcates a different mindset with agility and flexibility at the center. I've seen seasoned Revit users struggle with wrapping their head around Dynamo, but Grasshopper users always hit the ground running with it!

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